Help Your Family Make a Home Fire Escape Plan

Kids, you can be a big help when it comes to creating a plan your family can follow in case of a fire in your home. Just follow these steps, and ask an adult or older sibling for help if you need it. After everyone knows the plan for your family, be sure to practice your home fire-escape drill!

  • Draw a map of your home. Show all doors and windows.

  • Visit each room. Find two ways out. Check doors and windows. They should open easily. You should be able to use them to get outside.

  • Make sure your home has smoke alarms. Push the test button to make sure each alarm is working..

  • Pick a meeting place outside. It should be in front of your home. Everyone will meet at the meeting place.

  • Make sure your house or building number can be seen from the street. If it can’t, talk with an adult about making the numbers visible so you can get help quickly in case the Fire Department is called to your home.

  • Talk about your plan with everyone in your home.

  • Memorize the emergency phone number for your fire department.

  • Practice your home fire escape drill at least twice a year so you and your family are ready and can use your plan in case of fire.

Note to adults: While 71 percent of Americans have an escape plan in case of a fire, only 45 percent of those have practiced it. Help your family stay in practice by marking your calendar.

Source: National Fire Protection Association 

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