Protect Your Pet From Fireworks Anxiety

The Fourth of July is a great day to celebrate with friends, family — and pets. Fireworks are a longstanding tradition for this summer holiday, but for some pets, they are a reason to panic.

On and around the Fourth of July, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) sees an increase in calls concerning pets who are having issues due to the loud noises fireworks make. However, with a little planning, you can ensure that your pets enjoy the holiday as much as you do.

If your pet has a fear of loud noises associated with fireworks:

  • Something as simple as turning on some soft music and moving your pet into an interior room with no windows can be helpful.

  • An anxiety vest may work in some cases. If you don’t have one, try a snugly fitting t-shirt.

  • If you and your veterinarian do decide that anti-anxiety medication is appropriate, there are a few things to remember. First, give a practice dose of the medication before the big night to see how your pet responds to the medication. Second, never share the medication with another pet or give more than the recommended amount. If you do, you may end up spending the holiday at your local veterinary emergency clinic.

  • While noise phobias are not as common in cats as they are in dogs, they can and do happen. Fortunately, cats tend to hide when frightened. Checking in on your cats, having some quiet music on and keeping them indoors during the height of the fireworks is smart.
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