Smart Reminders for Taking Your Medications

One of the most important things you can do to take care of yourself is to take your doctor’s advice and take your medicine as prescribed. This is sometimes easier said than done. This is especially true if one needs to take many different medications at different times of the day.

Some ideas to help you remember to take your medications when you are supposed to include:

  • Pill Boxes. Organize your plastic pills in pill boxes that can be found at most pharmacies.

  • Smartphone Apps.These can help you remember and track your meds.

  • Calendar Alerts.Mark daily doses and times on a piece of paper or on your computer’s calendar.

  • Tie Taking Medications with a Daily Activity.This can be a powerful reminder. Remembering to take your meds might become as easy as, say, brushing your teeth.

Source:; U.S. Food and Drug Administration

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